Month: <span>November 2014</span>


The old woman Dara Simic, who lives as a returnee in Panjik, has no income, surviving only on the help of good people, and waiting for the winter without heating in a old house, which has no minimum requirements for life. “I’m alone, I do not have anywhere to anyone, I have nothing, I can only sit down and cry like a baby,” these are her words.
“Dara Simic is the burning issue of our village. She needs a physical examination, but she doesan’t have health card or any identification card so she could claim any kind of social assistance that she previously received, “said the president of the local community Panjik, Miladin Nedic.

After the information about the hard life of this old woman, she was visited by mayor of Municipality of Petrovo, Ozren Petkovic.
“As a first-aid we brought her food, hygiene package and we made agreement with the president of the local community of Panjik, regarding the next steps that should help this old lady. This is primarily related to her personal documents. In the next period we will also help her with the wood necessary for heating and we will help with paying of electricity, and I hope that all this will considerably facilitate some things for this old woman, at least for the coming winter. ” said Petković, pointing out that all returnees from villages on Ozren can count on help from Municipality of Petrovo, no matter the fact that un least as territory is concerned they don’t belong the Municipality of Petrovo, but Municipality of Lukavac in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “This is our people, and for us there are no boundaries, nor will be” said Petković.


In the first half of November started construction works on the of garage space for vehicles of Voluntary firefighting unit Petrovo. For this garage is been utilized space beneath the staircase entrance to the municipality building and in front of the furnace room and storage room for wood and coal in the ground floor. As envisioned in the project, garage will be connected to the central heating in municipal building, and by this will be solved problem of potential freezing water in tanks of firefighting vehicles during the winter.

Value of construction works on the garage is 24.918,82 KM. Total funds are provided from the budget of the Municipality of Petrovo, 14.513,00 KM from designated funds for financing special fire protection measures and other 10.405,82 KM from own resources of Municipality of Petrovo.
Contractor firm for this project is “Pejić gradnje” from Petrovo.


Thanks to USAID’s project “PRO-budućnost”, cinema hall in the Centre for culture in Petrovo gained a new appearance. The floods that have caused enormous damage to the Municipality of Petrovo in august, did not pass the building of the Centre for culture, and the highest damage was caused in the cinema hall. Stage was destroyed, as well as the floor and lower parts of the walls in the hall. Repair works, included the replacement of flooring on the stage, and placement of ceramic instead of carpet in the hall, as well as repairing of the damage to the walls. All of this has cost 6586.15 KM, and everything was completed within the planned time frame.


Total amount was financed by Solidarity Fund, established under the project “PRO-budućnost” (Trust, Understanding, Responsibility for the Future), International Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Catholic Relief Services in cooperation with the Mosaic Foundation, Caritas BK BiH, Forum of the citizens Tuzla and Helsinki Parliament of Citizens Banja Luka.

 On Friday, 7-th November in the restored cinema hall of Centre for culture, the press conference was held by young people from Municipality of Petrovo and Municipality of Gracanica, who exchanged ideas that will be implemented over the next three years under the project “PRO-budućnost”, in which Municipality of Petrovo and Municipality of Gracanica are partner municipalities.


On the locality of Kakmuž 4, near the road Kakmuž – Donja Lohinja, today started demining on surface area of 7543 m2. As foreseen demining will take 15 days, provided that the first three days of work will be done by machine team and then with work starts manual team of five people.
“This project is a high priority for the Municipality of Petrovo, as the demining of this site is precondition for cleaning and planning the riverbed of Mekiljička rijeka, which due to narrow riverbed makes significant problems for the spill in the rainy season,” said Dragan Petković, senior associate for the protection and rescue issues in the Municipality of Petrovo.

Contractor firm for this demining project is “Stop Mines” from Pale and project is funded by UNDP under the “urgent demining of flooded zone”
Due to demining, in the next 15 days traffic on the road Kakmuž – Donja Lohinja will be carried out on special regime in the period from 08:00 to 16:00, in the way that will suspend traffic for half an hour, after which will follow a ten minute traffic flow.

In the Municipality of Petrovo, in Karanovac is also running another demining project near the chicken farm “Iradija” on surface area of 4957 m2, which is also a prerequisite for cleaning flood channel. In recent months in Karanovac surface area of 101,331 m2 is cleared of mines . Both of these demining projects were funded by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bosnia and Herzegovina.